Centralize VPC Interface Endpoints using Terraform

Introduction Amazon VPC endpoints enable you to access certain AWS services without the need to traverse the Internet or a VPN connection. VPC endpoints can be used to access a variety of AWS services. It will help you to improve security and performance. There are two types of VPC endpoints. Here I’ll quote the AWS documentation. Interface endpoints: An interface endpoint is a collection of one or more elastic network interfaces with a private IP address that serves as an entry point for traffic destined to a supported service....

January 2, 2023 · Lorenz Vanthillo

Access Private Containers on Amazon ECS using PrivateLink and Terraform

Many companies are using container orchestration services (like ECS or EKS) to host their microservice environment. Those microservices can offer APIs which need to be accessible for other customers. If those customers are also using AWS then the best solution would be to keep all communication privately inside AWS. The services inside the VPC of the customer should be able to communicate with the containers hosted in the VPC of the provider which offers the APIs....

November 1, 2021 · Lorenz Vanthillo